The certain things taught by this uncertain year…

Aashna Ghiya
5 min readDec 29, 2020


Ahhh…..finally…..2020 is over! I, for one, am honestly grateful that this nightmare is over…But, isn’t this year what taught most of us to be grateful in the first place?

Try to be optimistic, and you can call this pandemic ‘A Blessing in Disguise’. Of course, this year itself taught us to look at the brighter side as well…..So, that’s what we’re going to be doing…. something to help us form our new year resolutions😉

This experience taught us many things, but the most important thing we learnt is that we’re still learning.


Hello dear superhumans! No matter what you think of yourself, one teeny-tiny virus is more than enough to wreck your lives. Doesn’t that finally prove that power has nothing to do with size?!That’s what inspired me to start this blog in the first place. Stop thinking that you’re too young or too weak to create and change. Don’t underestimate yourself.


I know we all had a little too much fun cleaning, washing, repairing and doing all those things that we looked down upon others for doing, huh😏?! I’m sure we’ve all learnt to respect and value all that people do for us and also to be grateful for their presence in our lives. No job is small, no person is worthless. Never take anything or anybody for granted.


This one is on a slightly personal level. From whatever I saw of human interactions these past 7–8 months, I’ve learnt that distance is not something that can make people grow apart. I’ve made new friends sitting at home, learnt so much more about people who I’ve quite literally known all my life. I can tell you this for sure, if someone genuinely cares about you… they’ll reach out to you no matter where you are. If they don’t, accept the fact that if they couldn’t make time for you even in this lockdown when we were practically bored of having nothing worthwhile to do, you just don’t matter as much. On the contrary, having to spend so much time with the same people can seriously get the best of you. So, for both these reasons, I think distance is a very good thing. In fact, it is necessary for making relationships better. After all, don’t they say…..


I consider this to be my greatest lesson of this year. Kindness is not an inherent quality someone is born with, its a choice. There will be a lot of things that people say or do, that inexpicably hurt you. But.. have you ever hurt somebody? Whether it was intentional or unintentional, I’m sure you have felt that uneasy surge of guilt. Whether you apologized to them or not, you’ve surely felt sorry. When you are in that state-of-mind, what are you looking for? Kindness and Forgiveness. So its safe to assume that, that is exactly what the person who wronged you wants. More than that, they need you to be forgiving. They need you to be kind to them, because they’re own guilt is killing them anyway. So please! Make an effort to be kind, to be good. Its not easy, but its definitely not that difficult either. And you don’t have to be extra-ordinarily selfless to do that, I do it for a very selfish reason. It makes me feel good about myself. It makes me feel powerful because then I know that I’m in control and that no one’s actions or words affect mine. It makes me feel better than the other person….. And now you tell me.. should they be apologizing to you for treating you the way they did or should you be thanking them for the ‘self-worth’ that you felt as its outcome? 😁


And the last one….this is something my brother constantly tries to shove into my brain😜 Don’t wait for round figures, which is also kind of hypocritical of me to say since I was very desperately trying to come-up with exactly ‘5’ lessons😅 But then I have a theory about hypocrisy that I would definitely love to discuss in one of the future blogs.

Now coming back to the topic, 2020 sounded like a very cool number right?! The end of the decade and everything. But was it really anything like that?

To all the bookworms out there…. deciding to read for just 5 more minutes so that it is exactly 11 pm is not a great idea right? You won’t even come to know when it’s 11: 55 and then we are back to square one.🤣

To give you another example.. I was supposed to start this blog two days ago because it was my dad’s birthday and I thought it would be a special surprise for him, but I very conveniently missed it, which I’m seriously regretting because I had to re-work on pretty much everything to keep it relevant. But yeah, I’ve learnt my lesson… See, I’m not waiting till 31st December to end this year perfectly.😇

The perfect time doesn’t actually exist. I know, we try to make plans keeping all the round-figures in mind thinking it would aid in using our time productively and efficiently, but we just end up wasting even more time. So, if you’re prepared to do it, if you feel you can do it… then that’s your cue to go ahead and do it.

And that’s why this blog got published exactly at 4:43 pm.

That’s all for today. I would love to know your 2020 lessons as well. Also, please feel free to share with me what you thought of this blog. You can write to me at or just leave a comment below. All feedback is heartily welcome. Thank you for reading!



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